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steal a glance at中文是什么意思

用"steal a glance at"造句"steal a glance at"怎么读"steal a glance at" in a sentence


  • 偷偷地瞧了一眼
  • 偷眼相看
  • "steal"中文翻译     ( stole; stolen ) vt. ...
  • "glance"中文翻译    n. 【矿物】辉矿类。 lead glance方铅矿。 ...
  • "steal a glance at him" 中文翻译 :    偷偷地觑了他一眼
  • "steal a glance at sb" 中文翻译 :    偷看某人一眼
  • "steal a glance; peep" 中文翻译 :    偷看
  • "a glance" 中文翻译 :    向...瞟一眼
  • "a glance at" 中文翻译 :    对……的一瞥
  • "at a glance" 中文翻译 :    看一眼, 一下子; 一看就; 一眼看过去,一瞥
  • "glance" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视;眼色。 2.一闪;闪光。 3.(炮弹等的)斜飞,侧过。 4.〔古语〕约略提及,影射。 One glance was enough. 看一眼就够了。 at a glance = at the first glance 一看就,一见就;初看。 cast hostile glances upon 敌视,仇视。 exchange glances 互相使眼色。 give [take] a glance at [to, of, into, over] 对…匆匆一看,瞥一眼。 steal a glance at 偷偷一看。 with a keen glance 以敏锐的一瞥。 vi. 1.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视 (at over)。 2.约略提到;影射 (at over)。 3.(枪弹等)擦过,掠过 (aside off)。 4.闪耀,发光。 vt. 1.(把眼睛等)向…晃一眼,扫视。 2.使反射,投射(光线)。 3.影射,暗示。 glance down 朝下[朝上]一看,俯[仰]身一瞥。 glance (one's eyes) over [through] 粗略一看,浏览。 n. 【矿物】辉矿类。 lead glance方铅矿。 silver glance辉银矿。 vt. 使发光,磨光。
  • "glance at" 中文翻译 :    匆匆看,扫视; 匆匆一瞥; 看一下,看一眼; 瞥见,一瞥; 提到, 影射; 浏览,(粗略地)看一下; 浏览,(粗略地)看一下
  • "be a steal" 中文翻译 :    便宜货
  • "steal" 中文翻译 :     ( stole; stolen ) vt. 1.偷,窃取;剽窃(别人文字);【棒球】盗垒。 2.偷偷地做;暗暗拉拢,笼络;突然做。 3.僭据,侵占。 vi. 1.偷东西,做贼。 2.偷偷走近[出去],溜(along by down from into out of)。 3.(船、烟等)悄悄地动;(水,泪等)静静地流。 4.(棒球)盗垒。 The purse has been stolen from my pocket. 有人从我的口袋里把钱包偷走了。 She stole a glance at George when he was writing that letter. 乔治写那封信时,她偷偷地看了他一眼。 Father was angry and I stole softly out of the room. 爸爸生气了,我轻轻地溜出了房间。 The years steal by. 岁月不知不觉地过去了。 steal sb.'s heart 在不知不觉间抓牢对方爱情。 The feeling steals (in) upon me. 我在不知不觉之间发生这种感情。 steal a march on 偷偷抢在…的前头,占先。 steal away 溜掉。 steal in 偷偷跑进,溜进;(将货物)走私运入;偷偷放进(人或物)。 steal off 偷去,拿跑。 steal on 1. (睡魔,感觉等)袭来。 2. 不知不觉地跑来 ( The winter has stolen on us. 冬天悄悄地来了)。 steal sb.'s clothes 仿效某人玩弄之手法;接过某人之口号。 steal sb.'s thunder 抢先做某人想做的事〔发表论点等〕;剽窃别人的发明[研究成果等]抢先利用。 steal one's way 偷偷地来[去]。 steal out 偷偷地溜出去。 steal over=steal on. steal round to the back door 偷偷地绕到后门。 steal the glory 〔美运〕创最高记录。 steal the headlines 〔美运〕赛得精彩;创光荣记录。 steal the show [the limelight] 〔美剧〕把观众的注意力都吸引到自己身上;使旁的演员都黯然失色地一个人取得很大的成功。 n. 1. 〔口语〕偷窃;赃物。 2. 意外之财;诈欺。 3. 不正当的获得[交易]。 4. 【棒球】盗垒。 n. -er 1. 偷取者,偷干者。 2. 僭据者。 3. (棒球)盗垒者。 4. 【造船】合并挡板。
  • "a backward glance" 中文翻译 :    回首往事
  • "a freezing glance" 中文翻译 :    冷冷的一瞥
  • "a special glance" 中文翻译 :    一个特殊的眼神
  • "antimony glance" 中文翻译 :    辉安矿; 辉锑矿; 辉锑砂
  • "arsenic glance" 中文翻译 :    斜方砷
  • "at first glance" 中文翻译 :    初一看就; 第一眼就; 一见钟情; 乍看; 乍一看
  • "bismuth glance" 中文翻译 :    辉铋矿
  • "cast a glance at" 中文翻译 :    向看一眼
  • "cobalt glance" 中文翻译 :    辉钴矿
  • "copper glance" 中文翻译 :    辉铜矿
  • "dart a glance at" 中文翻译 :    向...瞥了一眼
  • "flash a glance at" 中文翻译 :    向...瞥了一眼
  • "glance aside" 中文翻译 :    擦过


  • She stole a glance at jolly from under her lashes .
  • She stole a glance at martin .
  • She stole a glance at george when he was writing that letter .
  • He stole a glance at the pretty girl across the table
  • Every time he stole a glance at the girls side of the room becky s face troubled him
  • For one second only she ceased looking in the glass and smilingly stole a glance at the prince
  • The wolf stole a glance at karay , as though aware of his danger , and tucking his tail further between his legs , he quickened his pace
  • She stole a glance at martin , who was busy putting the boat about on the other tack , and she could have hated him for having made her do an immodest and shameful thing
  • Tess stole a glance at her husband . he was pale , even tremulous ; but , as before , she was appalled by the determination revealed in the depths of this gentle being she had married - the will to subdue the grosser to the subtler emotion , the substance to the conception , the flesh to the spirit
用"steal a glance at"造句  


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